Tuesday 5 August 2014

Week Ahead 5 - 11 August

Dear Friends,

This week marks the beginning of numerous festivals. You will see that the week ahead is jam-packed with loads of celebrations — all for you. So, share with your friends and family, and we hope to see you at the events.

We welcome His Grace Subha Vilas Prabhu today. Subha Vilas heads the ISKCON project in Goa, India. He is a spiritual mentor, a motivational speaker, and holds degrees in engineering and law. His leadership seminars are popular with top-level management in corporate houses in India. Subha Vilas believes that a good teacher, no matter how knowledgeable, always sees the process of learning and teaching simultaneously as an inherent aspect of personal and spiritual growth. He authoured a series of books published by Jaico, the largest publishing house in India. His book “Ramayana, The Game of Life,” uses the stories to distill lessons for contemporary life. Subha Vilas Prabhu will be our key speaker at our Gita Week festival from 11 to 16 August, 6:30pm - 8:30pm nightly at the Radha Radhanath Temple.

Your Week Ahead

Wednesday, 6 August
12:00pm BYS at Westville campus with Subha Vilas Prabhu
4:00pm Park Rynie Nama Hatta with Subha Vilas Prabhu

Thursday, 7 August
Ekadasi  | Jhulana Yatra begins
Fast from all beans, grains and legumes
7:15am Morning Class with Subha Vilas Prabhu
6:00pm Lotus Park Nama Hatta with Subha Vilas Prabhu
7pm - 8pm Jhulana Yatra of Sri Sri Radha Radhanath commences

Friday, 8 August
Ekadasi Break Fast: 06:35 - 07:21
7:15am Morning Class with Subha Vilas Prabhu
12:00pm BYS at Howard campus with Subha Vilas Prabhu
7:00pm Youth Programme at New Jagannath Puri with Subha Vilas Prabhu
7pm - 8pm Jhulana Yatra
Janmashtami Hall Programme
6.00pm Howick Janmastami Festival
6:30pm Arena Park Temple Hall, 158 Lemuria Grove, Unit 6

Saturday, 9 August
His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami’s Vyasa-puja
Srila Bhakti Caitanya Swami is a beloved leader who has spent many years serving and nurturing our Vaishnava community. We are honoured to host his Vyasa-puja celebration at the temple.  The two part programme will commence at 8.15am with Jhulana-yatra followed by receiving Bhakti Caitanya Maharaj. The lunch feast will be served at 2:00pm. The second session will commence with Jhulana yatra at 4:30pm, followed by events honouring Maharaj.

Women’s Day Tea Party
Ladies, you are invited to spend a wonderful morning of laughter, love and enlightenment at the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple.
From 9:30am to 1:00pm. Seats are limited and booking is essential: 083 9505 111

Janmashtami Hall Programmes
2:00pm 5 Sastri Road, Glencoe
2:30pm Swami Sahajananda Community Hall, Estcourt
6:00pm Shaligram Hall, Clare Estate

Sunday, 10 August
Sri Balaram Purnima - Appearance Anniversary of Lord Balaram
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord Balaram is His second body. These two are one and the same identity. They differ only in form. Lord Balaram is the first bodily expansion of Krishna, and He assists in Lord Krishna’s transcendental pastimes. Lord Balaram is the original Sankarsan. He assumes five other forms to serve Lord Krishna. He Himself helps in the pastimes of Lord Krishna, and He does the work of creation in four other forms. He executes the orders of Lord Krishna in the work of creation, and in the form of Lord Sesa He serves Krishna in various ways. In all the forms He tastes the transcendental bliss of serving Krishna…” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi 5.4-5 & 8-11)
7:00am Srila Prabhupada’s Guru-puja
7:15am Greeting the Deities
7:30am Class with Bhakti Caitanya Swami — Lord Balaram, The Original Guru & Initiation
10:30am Class with His Grace Subha Vilas Das
12:30pm Arati and kirtan
1:00pm Jhulana Yatra followed by lunch feast
4:00pm Programme with Partha Sarathi Das Goswami followed by Jhulana Yatra and light prasad

3:30pm Netrotsava (Festival of the Eyes - Feasting on Lord Jagannath’s beauty) programme for Jagannath, Baladev & Subhadra Devi at ISKCON Ladysmith with Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Monday, 11 August
12:00pm BYS at DUT campus with Subha Vilas Prabhu

Janmashtami Talent Contest
If you have a talent that you would like to offer to the Supreme Lord on His birthday, then this is for you. There are group and solo categories in music, dance, skits, songs, and poetry recitals. Please note that there is NO entry form on our website but you can call 083 254 8339 to enter. Entries close on Thursday, 14 August. The contest will be held on Saturday, 16 August from 2:30pm. 

Janmashtami Seva
Would you like to render service to Krishna on His birthday? You can help in cash or kind. Please call Balaram 082 881 4521 or Jaisacinandan 083 777 3328.

Finally, if you subscribe to Back to Godhead magazine, then you can expect it in the post this week.

As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,

Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

T: 031 4033328  |  F: 031 4034429  |  www.iskcondurban.net  |  temple@iskcondurban.net

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