Friday 12 July 2024

Week Ahead 12-18 July 2024

Dear Friends

We received 38 entries for our logo design contest. We extend our gratitude and best wishes to all who have entered the contest. Soon we will be sharing the finalists and then you will have your say too. Please keep an eye out on our social media in the coming days.

ISKCON Disciples Course ONLINE
Course Facilitators: His Grace Medhavi Das (ACBSP) and His Grace Swarup Damodar Das
This course deepens devotees’ understanding of
guru tattva and guru padasraya within the multi-guru environment of ISKCON, equip you with basic guidelines by which you can develop your relationship with your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, other devotees, and the mission of ISKCON in a spiritually progressive and thoughtfully open-minded manner.
Over the following weekends:
20 & 21 July; 27 & 28 July; 3 & 4 August
Times are listed on the online registration form here.
There is no charge for the course however donations are welcome.

Women’s Day High Tea
Hosted by ISKCON Durban Women’s Forum
Friday • 9 August • 1pm to 4pm
Keynote Speaker: Gaura Premi Devi Dasi
Aryurveda: Syama Premi Devi Dasi
Cooking Demo: Manjari Sevika
Women Empowerment: Krisangi Radhe Dasi
Venue: Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Marquee
R150 per person includes tea & snack and supper. R120 for pensioners.
Book your seat at Radhanath’s Gifts (at the Temple) or here.
Queries: Vaisnava Priya Dasi 078 442 8080 

Week Ahead

Saturday 13 July
Transcendental Diaries Class @7:30am

with His Grace Raghunath Bhatta Das

Sunday 14 July
Krishna Book Class @7:30am

with His Grace Marici Das

Love Feast @11am
Bhadra Purnima Launch

Go To Goloka – The Gift of the Srimad Bhagavatam 
with His Grace Radha Damodar Das

Monday 15 July
Unit 6/7 Nama-hatta @7pm

Shantik Foundation – corner of road 729/741, Montford, Chatsworth

Wednesday 17 July
 – Fast from all grains, beans & legumes. 

Thursday 18 July
Ekasdasi Break Fast 06:48 – 10:17


Want to be a vendor at the Janmashtami Festival Lotus Market?
Saturday 24th August & Sunday 25th August
10am – 3pm
Contact the following devotees to book a stall:
Dayal Caitanya 083 557 1062
Paramatma 076 549 5474
Nerson 084 401 0119
Shanil 068 344 0313
Panchamrita 084 441 5647
What you can look forward to:
Vegan & Veg Food, Arts & Crafts, Kids Activities, Jumping Castle, Live Entertainment

ISKCON Durban Sponsorships
You are invited to offer Vaishnava-seva by sponsoring a devotee breakfast or lunch.
You may also offer Deity sponsorships, which include: Take Cake of Krishna, annadaan, pushpadaan, and special festival offerings. Note: Sponsorships for Balaram Purnima, Janmashtami, and Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day are now open.
Contact Ishara at 063 297 4398 to make your booking.
Offerings can be made in the names of loved ones. 

Govinda’s Restaurant & Radhanath’s Gifts
Monday – Saturday 9:30am-4pm
Sundays & Public Holidays 9:30am-3pm

How to Connect to the Temple?
031 403 3328 • •

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