Friday 21 August 2020

Week Ahead 22-26 August & Sri Radhashtami Festival Guide

Dear Friends
Temple Room Darshan on Sri Radhashtami
Wednesday 26 August
After five months, the Temple Room will open for the community to come and take darshan of the Deities on Sri Radhashtami. This is a limited walk-through darshan.
You are welcome to bring offerings of birthday cards, flowers, gifts, and items for cooking. Note: all cards, cooked offerings, and opened milk bottles must be taken back as maha-prasad.
NOTE: Standard COVID-19 safety protocols MUST be observed.
1. Strictly no offering of obeisances for your own and other devotees’ safety.
2. No loud chanting (only softly)
3. Only standing/walk through darshan and No sitting
4. No walking outside barriers
5. Keep a distance of at least 1.5m from others
6. After darshan depart immediately on the exit path
7. No socializing in the temple room or car park
8. Do not make physical contact with anyone
9. MUST wear a mask. (Temple has masks for R20 at the reception tent.)
10. Darshan at the front near the altar is for 60 seconds only.
For outside the temple:
1. Do not congregate and socialise unnecessarily
2. Temperature screening
3. Hand Sanitising before entering the temple
4. Remove shoes before entering temple property
Srimati Radharani’s Milk Abhishek Ceremony
“Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī takes Her first bath in the shower of the nectar of compassion, and She takes Her second bath in the nectar of youth. After Her midday bath, Rādhārāṇī takes another bath in the nectar of bodily luster.” Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 8.167-168
You are invited to assist with Srimati Radharani’s milk abhishek ceremony. Donation R1008.
Contact Bhakti Katha
061 464 5327 |
This will be live on our FACEBOOK @DurbanKrishna page only.
Sri Radhashtami – Wednesday 26 August
4:30am Mangal Arati & Greeting Sri Sri Radha Radhanath in Their 1st new outfit
8:30am Greeting Sri Sri Radha Radhanath in Their 2nd new outfit
10:30am Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Milk Abhishek
7:00pm Gaura Arati & Greeting Sri Sri Radha Radhanath in Their 3rd new outfit
You are welcome to offer Sri Sri Radha Radhanath birthday cards, flowers, and cooked preparations.
Do you have your GOLDEN TICKET Back to Godhead?
Sri Bhadra Purnima
Wednesday 2 September
“If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.” Srimad-Bhagavatam 12.13.13
Contact Vibhu Caitanya on WhatsApp 081 793 1306
Week Ahead 
Saturday 22 August 
7:30am Class by His Holiness Rama Govinda Swami
4:00pm Book Launch Day 1 – The Emergence of Women’s Voices in ISKCON
An interview with Her Grace Sudharma Dasi and Her Grace Pranada Dasi
On ZOOM: Meeting ID 985 5054 4840
Or on Facebook ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry
Sunday 23 August
7:30am Class by His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami
4:00pm Book Launch Day 2 – The Emergence of Women’s Voices in ISKCON
A panel discussion with His Holiness Bir Krishna Swami, His Grace Anuttama Das, Her Grace Rukmini Dasi & Her Grace Visakha Dasi
On ZOOM: Meeting ID 985 5054 4840
Or on Facebook ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry
Sri Vyasa-puja Ceremony of His Holiness Giriraj Swami @pm
Day 1 of Celebration
Meeting ID: 869 4281 2397
Passcode: 479649
Monday 24 August 
7:30am Class by His Grace Raghunath Bhatta Das
10:00am Instagram Live with His Grace Vibhu Caitanya Das
Tuesday 25 August 
7:30am Class by Rama Govinda Swami
Wednesday 26 August
Sri Radhashtami
Fast until midday
ONLINE Festival
Morning Festival on Mayapur TV and Facebook @DurbanKrishna
4:30am Mangal Arati and greeting Sri Sri Radha Radhanath in Their 1st new outfit
5:10am Japa
7:00am Guru-puja to Srila Prabhupada
7:15am Class by His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami
8:30am Greeting Sri Sri Radha Radhanath in Their 2nd new outfit.
9:30am Class by His Holiness Rama Govinda Swami
10:30am Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Milk Abhishek
Darshan 1pm-4pm
Devotees will receive packed halava prasad on exit.
ONLINE Festival
Evening Festival on ZOOM and Facebook @DurbanKrishna
Join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 8047 6860
Passcode: radhe
5:30pm Class by His Holiness Giriraj Swami
7:00pm Gaura Arati & Kirtan by His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami
7:30pm Bhakti Theatre’s “The Golden Queen” by Jarikhanda Sevika
7:35pm Class by Kadamba Kanana Swami
8:30pm Bhakti Theatre’s “Matchless 25” by Girisha
Thursday 27 August
7:30am Class by Rama Govinda Swami
Save The Date
Saturday 29 August
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans & legumes. 
Sri Vamanadev’s Appearance 
Srila Jiva Gosvami’s Appearance
Fast until midday for Lord Vamanadev and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
Sunday 30 August 
Ekadasi Break Fast 06:13-10:02
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s Appearance 
(Fast is observed on Sat 29 Aug)
How to Connect to the Temple?
Our landline 031 403 3328 is now fully operational!
Office hours Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Or email

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