Dear Friends
Hare Krishna
His Grace Swarup Damodar Das explains: “The story of Hanuman is detailed in a book of the Ramayana called Sundara-khanda, or the ‘beautiful book.’ Each book of the Ramayana is titled such to describe the events in that book — Aranya-khanda describes the forest pastimes and Yuddha-khanda gives an account of the war in Lanka. Sundara-khanda describes that what is most beautiful, is the manner in which the devotee gives everything in the service of the Lord. Since time immemorial and amongst all devotees, it is acknowledged that a sterling example of the Supreme Lord’s pure servant is Hanuman. Hanumanji is a devotee who lives only for the pleasure of his master, Lord Ramachandra. Thus he is the benchmark and a hero for all aspiring devotees of Lord Krishna.”
On Thursday, 21 April we invite you to the Sri Hanuman Jayanti celebration at 7pm.
Your Week Ahead
Thursday, 21 April
Sri Krishna Vasanta Rasa
Sri Hanuman Jayanti
Festival at 7pm with His Grace Rathim Krishna Das
Supper will be served.
Sri Krishna Vasanta Rasa
Sri Hanuman Jayanti
Festival at 7pm with His Grace Rathim Krishna Das
Supper will be served.
Sunday, 24 April
Love Feast with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami at 3pm
Love Feast with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami at 3pm
We look forward to seeing you at the temple.
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
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