Thursday, 19 November 2015

Week Ahead 19-25 November

Dear Devotees,

It may be hard to imagine anything more auspicious or spiritually beneficial than the month of Kartik, but there is — the Srila Prabhupada 2015 Book Marathon. Srila Prabhupada has changed the course of history with his books. This is the call to be a spiritual warrior, to distribute books and thus fulfil his mission.  

Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple is the recipient of yet more accolades: Trip Expert “Best of Durban” and “Expert’s Choice” awards. 

Thursday, 19 November

Saturday, 21 November
Srila Prabhupada Festival at 2:30pm
Craigieburn Temple Hall
Temple Road

Sunday, 22 November
1st Day of Bhisma Pancaka
100th Disappearance Anniversary of Srila Gaura Kishora Das Babaji
Fast until noon
Srila Gaura Kishora Das Babaji was Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakur’s spiritual master. He is famous for his renunciation and deep attachment to the holy name. Babaji Maharaja spent thirty years in Vrindavan chanting 128 rounds of japa everyday. 
Programme begins at 2:30pm. 
All bhoga offerings to be in by 3:00pm. Offerings can be handed in at the book table. You may also bring flower offerings. 
12:0pm  Bhoga offering to Srila Gaura Kishora Das Babaji
3.00pm  Srila prabhupada’s Guru-puja
3:15pm Class by His Grace Jagadananda Pundit Das
4:00pm  Puspanjali & Guru-puja to Srila Gaura Kishora Das Babaji
4:15pm Arati & Kirtan 
5:00pm  Feast
6:00pm Japa
7:00pm Arati & Kirtan 
7:15pm Damodarastakam & Offering of Lamps

Monday, 23 November
Break fast: 04:49 - 09:24

Wednesday, 25 November
Last Day of Kartik
Last Day of Bhisma Pancaka
1st Day of the Srila Prabhupada 2015 Book Marathon
7:00pm Special Evening Festival

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As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,

Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

T: 031 4033328  |  F: 031 4034429  | WhatsApp +27 81 759 0191(no reply service - subscriptions only) |  |   
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