Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Divine Song

Hare Krishna Devotees, Friends and Well-wishers,

Many of you are already on holiday. As the year draws to a close and the "silly season" gripes, reserve some time to take stock of your past year and the new year just around the corner.

Insurance is an interesting concept. It is considered unintelligent to not have some sort of cover for your house, car, life, salary, jewellery, retirement, etc. Insurances for the limited body, which among other things, is a hol-lard-of fat….what we get out-of-insurance…doing things my-way or thinking 1st for the body…

So, we say consider soul-surance, that tiny life-giving spark of consciousness-we will not be without it. Some of the thoughtful will already be considering their new year hopes and aspirations. With this in mind, think what soul action will you do?

On Sunday, 23 December, Ekadasi, we celebrate Gita Jayanti, the day that Sri Krishna articulated His sublime song. When Arjuna saw that he must fight his beloved relatives, he was overcome with despair. Krishna feeling compassion for Arjuna spoke the eternal philosophy of the soul and divine truth. Bhagavad-gita is like a sharp sword. It is not about belief but truth: about the subtle body's binding action to this world, the Supreme Soul, the marginal soul, and their eternal relationship.

There will be Bhagavad-gita recitals at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple on Sunday, 23 December:

12.30pm with Raghava Pandit Das
4pm with His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat Swami

There is also a special on Bhagavad-gitas available on that day only at the temple.

We wish you happy holidays and safe travelling. 

May this find you in the best Krishna conscious spirits.

Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

Temple Website:
Telephone: +27(0)31 4033328

Friday, 14 December 2012

Lord Jagannath at Rydalvale Grounds

New Jagannath Puri Temple hosts their
17th Annual Festival of Chariots
15-17 December
Rydalvale Grounds

The festival promises superb entertainment with both local and international guests and artists. Do not let the rain deter you, as the entire festival is under a spectacular dome marquee, so you will be well protected from any rain. See you there...

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

May Lord Jagannath smile at you...

Dearest Devotees, Friends and Well-wishers,

Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, who introduced the Festival of Chariots to the Western world. All glories to our magnificent Lord Jagannath.

This week there are two major events not to be missed:

1. The Launch of the 2013 Festival of Chariots 
Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 6.30pm
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple 

2013 being the 25th anniversary of the Festival of Chariots, ISKCON’s foremost festival in South Africa, ISKCON's foremost leader in preaching through attractive and all-inclusive festivals, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami, has agreed to oversee the festival. After months of strategizing, Maharaj and his team are ready to launch the concept, highlights and services available. 

Also attending and enhancing the launch program further will be His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami and His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami.

You can be part of this "never-before-experienced" festival by attending the launch and signing up to render devotion. As His Holiness Devamrita Swami writes in his book, Bhakti Bhava, "Whatever our motive for coming to Krishna, we have to move on to a dynamic heart investment."  So, we appeal to you to invest your time, energy and heart in the Festival of Chariots.

2. Healthy Milky Treats
Friday, 14 December 2012, 7pm
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple host a special Healthy Milky Treats program.
With summer arriving (soon, we hope) these preparation are sure to cool you off and nourish both the body and soul.

3. Phoenix Ratha-yatra Festival
15-17 December
Rydalvale Grounds, Phoenix
Be sure to catch a glimpse of Lord Jagannath's crimson smile, and the association of many senior devotees, including His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami, His Holiness Bhakti Brnga Govinda Swami, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami, His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami, and His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat Swami.

Book scores thus far: 12 000 books, this excludes sponsored books. You can still sponsor books by contacting the book office between 12pm-5pm daily. 

Finally, there will be no Sunday Love Feast on Sunday, 16 December, at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple.

We hope this meets you in the best festive spirits and may you all be blessed with Lord Jagannath's glance.

You friends at
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

Temple Website:

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Once in a Centuary

Your Personal Invite to Durban Festival of Chariots Launch!
Were you at the Sunday love feast?  Did you catch His Holiness Indradyumna Swami's personal invite to the launch of the silver jubilee Festival of Chariots? If not, here's a sneak peak...
"This is going to be the 25th anniversary, a great milestone . And we’re going to have a special presentation on Wednesday. I’d like you all to come, I’d like all the devotees to come. Anyone who is connected directly, indirectly, (or) indirectly indirectly. Everyone should come because this is a combined effort. It’s like our family. It’s  like the pride of our family actually, that we’re able to put together this festival every year." 
This wednesday (12/12/12) at Sri Sri Radha-Radhanatha Temple with Indradyumna Swami, Bhakti Caitanya Swami and Kadamba Kanana Swami. Don't miss it! A once in a century event!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

A good holiday read...

Dear Friends,

Please accept our best wishes.

The year is drawing to a close. Everywhere is filled with red and green
decorations and specials to tantalise that ever elusive quest for contentment.
Don't we work all year to reap the reward of that much awaited year-end bonus
and holiday?  Only for it to be gone instantaneously. Time is fleeting. Sri
Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita 10.30, "…among subduers I am time."

So, it is vital how we choose to spend our hard earned time. As you are aware,
we are in the midst of the Srila Prabhupada Book Marathon and in the spirit of
utilising time properly, we encourage that you please be a part of it, either
buy distributing books or buying/sponsoring books. Choosing to be a part of the
Srila Prabhupada Book Marathon is time well spent as it is an action of/for the
soul. The benefit is not fleeting but will be carried through eternally. The
devotees from the temple are extremely inspired and have already visited
Pietermaritzburg and Port Shepstone, and tomorrow are going to Richards Bay and
on Monday the mid-South Coast.

We welcome His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami on Monday, 10 December 2012.
Maharaj has long been the commander of the book distributors and he is a
treasure trove of inspiration. If you would like to meet Maharaj or invite him
to your home for more inspiration on sharing Srila Prabhupada’s books, you can
contact Saci Kumar Das on 0826298167.

You can view book scores on our Facebook page: and you are invited to share your stores

We offer you with pleasure the November/December Hare Krishna News. Simply go
to our website

You will notice that there are some changes, we are in the process of upgrading
our site. You can look forward to more information and updates, including daily
darshan, on the site.

Please note carefully the following attractions:

Sunday, 9 December
Sunday Love Feast with His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami at 4pm.

Wednesday, 12 December 
Launch program for the 2013 Festival of Chariots with His Holiness Indradyumna
Swami, His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami and His Holiness Kadamba Kanana
Swami. The 2013 Festival of Chariots is the 25th anniversary of the Ratha Yatra
festival. Devotees are going all-out to make this a spectacular event. You will
be briefed as to what is planned and how you can get involved. Do not miss this
important and ecstatic festival update. 

Saturday-Monday 15-17 December
The Phoenix Ratha Yatra will be hosted at the Rydalvale Grounds and attending
will be HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami, HH Indradyumna Swami, HH BB Govinda Swami, HH
Kadamba Kanana Swami, and HH BB Bhagavat Swami and many international
kirtaneers. With so much association and excitement, it must be in your
December holiday plans.

We trust that this finds you in the best Krishna conscious spirits.

Your friends at
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

Temple Website:
Telephone: (031) 4033328

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Benefitting Humanity

Book distribution is our real business...if they receive one of our books and read even one page, they get eternally benefited.” (Srila Prabhupada letter to Ajita Dasa, 6th January, 1975)

Book Scores for 3 December 2012

Maithili Devi Dasi 34 small books, 1 big book, 4 maha-big books
Bhakta Rivage 4 small books
Bhakta Spamandla 11 small books, i maha-big book
Bilvamangal Das 5 small books, 2 big books
Krishna Caitanya Das 11 small books, 1 maha-big book
Rama Priya Das 15 small books
Agni Dev Das 17 small books
Vibhu Caitanya Das 15 medium books
Bhaktin Priyanka and Rukmini Dasi 15 small books, i big book
Ananta Das 7 small books

You are invited to share your books scores if you distribute books in Durban and surrounding areas.

Also, note the sweet program scheduled for tomorrow night, 5 December 2012

Monday, 3 December 2012

Morning with Mahavishnu Swami

His Holiness Mahavishnu Swami is arriving in Durban this evening at 6.20pm and will be giving the morning class at Sri  Sri Radha Radhanath Temple on Tuesday at 7.30am.