Many of you are already on holiday. As the year draws to a close and the "silly season" gripes, reserve some time to take stock of your past year and the new year just around the corner.
Insurance is an interesting concept. It is considered unintelligent to not have some sort of cover for your house, car, life, salary, jewellery, retirement, etc. Insurances for the limited body, which among other things, is a hol-lard-of fat….what we get out-of-insurance…doing things my-way or thinking 1st for the body…
So, we say consider soul-surance, that tiny life-giving spark of consciousness-we will not be without it. Some of the thoughtful will already be considering their new year hopes and aspirations. With this in mind, think what soul action will you do?
On Sunday, 23 December, Ekadasi, we celebrate Gita Jayanti, the day that Sri Krishna articulated His sublime song. When Arjuna saw that he must fight his beloved relatives, he was overcome with despair. Krishna feeling compassion for Arjuna spoke the eternal philosophy of the soul and divine truth. Bhagavad-gita is like a sharp sword. It is not about belief but truth: about the subtle body's binding action to this world, the Supreme Soul, the marginal soul, and their eternal relationship.
There will be Bhagavad-gita recitals at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple on Sunday, 23 December:
12.30pm with Raghava Pandit Das
4pm with His Holiness Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat Swami
There is also a special on Bhagavad-gitas available on that day only at the temple.
We wish you happy holidays and safe travelling.
May this find you in the best Krishna conscious spirits.
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
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